Numerical Conformal Mapping in Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamics

Rabinovich Boris I., Tyurin Yuri V

30,90 €
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This book presents a new numerical method of conformal mapping (the RT-algorithm) based on the R and T procedures. Solutions are given for arbitrary simply connected and doubly connected domains with piecewise - smooth contours. The continuum mechanics, including hydrodynamics, electrodynamics and elasticity theory.

The bool encompasses a wide range of numerical methods and computer techniques, including computer graphics. Problems analyzed are at the forefront of applied problems in modern technology.

Solutions to boundary-value problems on the unit circle and circular annulus are obtaines by systematic use of Taylor an Laurent series, the Ritz method, finite elements, and the conjugate-vortex method. Analytical solutions and experimental data are to verfy results of the numerical computations obtained by the RT-algorithm.



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